
Hi Shakir, thank you for agreeing to this interview. Tell us a little about yourself?

Thank you for having me. I appreciate the time. 😊

Me, in a nutshell: a husband, father, brother, son, native Wakandan (anyone who knows me understands the reference, those that are getting to know me, understand that I’ve been a Wakandan since I picked up my first Black Panther comic book at the age of 9). I’m a former collegiate basketball player, I’ve done public speaking (hence, why I’m comfortable with performing in front of large crowds), and I’m an extrovert. Okay, so that wasn’t exactly a nutshell LOL.

What were you like at school?

A hybrid of sorts. I was knee deep in high school basketball for one of the traditional powers in the state of Georgia here in the States, and I was also a part of the engineering department within the school, meaning my classes were specialized to get me to my college major at the time, which was Aerospace Engineering. So, my friends were everything from the kids trying to go to NASA Space Camp, the elite basketball camps to get scouts to notice them, and everyone in between.

When did you know you wanted to be a writer?

My grandfather was the one who started me off on the track of storytelling and writing. I actually wrote about that on my blog (https://www.shakirrashaan.com/post/2017/03/08/on-becoming-a-story-teller), but the long and the short of it is I’ve known I wanted to do this since I was old enough to speak and put sentences together.

What are your ambitions for your writing career?

At this stage of my career, having been doing this for a decade-plus now, is to continue for the next decade-plus, grow my audience, and hopefully find one of my books on the small screen (Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, etc.) so I can keep doing what I do going into my Second Life. Oh, I wouldn’t mind a few NYT and USA Today bestseller credits to my name (I have one, but that was as a part of an anthology).

Which writers inspire you?

I have a plethora of writers who I can glean a lot from, both past and present. E. Lynn Harris, Eric Jerome Dickey, Walter Mosley, Richard Wright, Alex Haley, Tahnesi Coates, James Patterson, Stephen King, the list goes on and on. Hell, even the ladies and gents within the #TRIBE (yourself included) have taught me a thing or two just by reading your works.

What have you written so far?

Ummmm…*four times the square root of 81, divided by the hypotenuse* LOL Currently, between both my current pen name and my new pen name debuting later this week, I have a dozen titles to my name, over two dozen anthology credits, a dozen short stories (either published or blogged), an NYT bestseller credit under one of those anthologies, USA Today credits under their old Happy Ever After Book blog, and the gods know what else I might be forgetting.

What are you working on at the moment? 

I’m knee-deep into the fifth installment of my Nubian Underworld series as Shakir, and as PK, I’m cranking up the second installment of my South Hampton young adult paranormal series. On top of that, I have two projects each in development for writing in 2021 and eventual release.

What’s it about?

The Nubian Underworld installment is about a fantasy weekend happening at one of the private island compounds (those who have read my series know about the island), and all of the drama and sensual adventures that will go on within the confines of the island and that weekend. I will have to warn potential readers: the heat level is scorching, that’s all I’m going to say about that LOL!

The second installment of the South Hampton series takes my teenager through his sophomore year of high school and a potential epic showdown with his archrival who was once a close friend and teammate. He’s also trying to get a grip on some otherworldly powers that were bestowed upon him, thanks to some decisions that were made before he was born.

What genre are your books?

Although I started out as an erotica author, my catalog covers a lot of different genres, from romantic suspense (Love, Lust & Beautiful Liars, In Service to the Senator), to paranormal romance (The Devil’s All-American), contemporary romance (Unthinkable), and crime fiction/mystery (the Kink, P.I. series), in addition to my signature series being in erotica (the Nubian Underworld)

How much research do you do?

Depending on the subject and theme, I will do anywhere from a month to six months’ worth of research in order to make sure I’ve got a good grasp of what I’m talking about within the story arc in my head. Readers nowadays appreciate the authenticity within the fiction, otherwise you get nasty messages about how you don’t know what you’re talking about, especially if you’re playing in a city that they are from or currently live in. You don’t want that smoke LOL.

Now, before we end this interview and start sharing some of your work here on my website, do you have any tips on what to do and what not to do?

👍 Do write what you’re passionate about.

👍 Do learn all you can about the business side of writing. It will save you heartache and money.

👎 Don’t be cheap about any part of your project. Readers can tell the difference and they will tell others (and some will come tell you).

👎 Don’t respond to negative reviews. I repeat, DO NOT RESPOND TO NEGATIVE REVIEWS! Reading is subjective, and not everyone will “get” what you’re trying to express.

Love, Lust & Beautiful Liars (release date 4/30/20)

Dorian Bentley is the top international arms dealer in the world. His customers only know him by his moniker—The Wraith—a revenant whose trail is difficult to trace by government law enforcement authorities.

He has begun to cultivate his endgame, one that will have him turn over his expansive empire to one of his lieutenants and retire an ultra-rich man. He needs time—time he may no longer have—before everything comes crashing down.

Samara D'Acosta, the woman he’d given his heart to long ago—despite keeping her at arm’s length for her own protection—is a part of those plans, but will her own secrets derail their happy ever after?

Love, Lust & Beautiful Liars is the latest explosive tale from national best-selling author, Shakir Rashaan, where the lines between lust and love blur, and where no one is who they seem.


Please enjoy an excerpt from Love, Lust & Beautiful Liars below

“I don’t want to go back to work, and I don’t want you to, either. I was hoping that we could…well, you know.”

Dorian stroked his chin, wondering how far he wanted to take the teasing between them. “Persuade me.”

“And how can I persuade you?”

“Use your imagination.”

“Will you try to stop me once I try to persuade you?”

“Maybe I will, maybe I won’t, but there’s only one way to find out.”

“Allow me to persuade you in my own way, but you cannot stop me once I get started.”

“I have a feeling I won’t like where this is going.”

“Yes, you will. I promise you will.”

Samara straddled his lap before he could protest further, staring into his eyes with an intensity he wasn’t quite prepared for. She traced a finger around his face, lightly kissing his lips a few times, moving to his neck, then closing his eyes so she could place a few more kisses there. He tried to resist her advances, but she playfully forced his hands to hold her waist. She cupped his face in her hands as she pressed her lips against his once more, taking her tongue to part his lips, to let her inside and kiss him with everything she had to give him.


“No, baby, you cannot stop me, remember?”

She continued to kiss him, and as much as he wanted to reciprocate, he couldn’t. He couldn’t let himself go, no matter how badly he wanted to. He struggled to regain some semblance of control over the situation, but Samara was unwilling to yield it to him.

“Kiss me, DK. Kiss me the way you kissed me when we were kids back in Rio,” she implored. “Kiss me like you want to make me yours. I’m all yours.”

He hesitated as the memories of the first night they shared each other’s bodies—the night he fell in love with her—flooded his psyche. He was weak for her, desperate to allow his emotions to rise to the surface, but he wasn’t ready to let that happen. He needed things in place before he could give himself completely to her.

“Dorian … kiss me. It’s only a kiss, baby. I know you want to, I can see it in your eyes. Don’t hold back, darling. Kiss me.”

Dorian took her hair in his grip and pulled her down to him. He held her in place as he kissed and licked her lips, sliding his tongue deep in her mouth. He kept his kisses soft, slow, not wanting the moment to end for either of them. One hand kept a tight grip in her mane while the other hand wrapped tightly around her waist. The longer they kissed, the tighter his grip became.

“Mmm, Daddy, damn. Stay here with me, please? Just for a few days? I’ve missed you terribly.”

“You know you make me weak when you call me that.”

She continued to rub her lips against his. “Please stay with me a few more days. I really need you.”

He continued to leave lingering kisses all over her face as he remembered the other reason that he’d chosen their current locale. “Only if you accompany me to an art gala with me later tonight. After that, you’ll have my undivided attention.”

“But what if I just want to stay in this beautiful suite and make love to you instead?”

The Chronicles of the Nubian Underworld

by Shakir Rashaan

Book One: The Awakening

"What goes on in the Palace, stays in the Palace..."

Welcome to the Nubian Underworld, where decadence and debauchery are intertwined with the sensual nature of dominance and submission. Entering within this exquisite environment is not for the faint of heart, as this life is not always a bed of roses. Sometimes, the thorns must be felt, even if it blurs the line between pain and pleasure.

Ramesses and Neferterri are the ultimate power couple, situated atop the Atlanta Fetish community, centered around the compound they own, known simply as the "Palace". All who enter the Palace do so at their own risk, enjoying the anonymity and discretion that this alternative lifestyle prides itself on--until an incident surrounding one of the pillars of the community threatens to blow the lid off the true inner-workings of the Palace, the community, and the precious secrecy of everyone involved.

The Awakening is a journey inside Atlanta's African-American Fetish/BDSM community, and the ties that bind the principle players of this exciting new series. With its twists and turns and surprises along the way, it is sure to become an "awakening" for any who dare to journey to the "Dark side."

Book Two: Legacy

A tale unlike anything else, this second episode in the Chronicles of the Nubian Underworld series continues the erotically charged journey inside Atlanta's African-American Fetish/BDSM community.

"In order to be great, you have to leave your mark. Are you ready to leave your mark?"

After returning from Dubai, a power shift occurs within the Atlanta Fetish community as the "torch" is passed on from Amenhotep to Ramesses and Neferterri. The Palace is being transformed in Ramesses's image, and the new "power couple" is adjusting to life in the spotlight and the benefits (and headaches) that come with it.

But as Ramesses puts the finishing touches on establishing the balance of power, Amenhotep has tasked him with a daunting task--one that will test his will and re-forge a bond that was once broken, cementing his legacy within the sacred "society."

Exotic, decadent, and written by a true insider, Legacy takes you deeper into the Atlanta Fetish/BDSM community, twisting more surprises and revelations that are sure to take your breath away.

Book Three: Tempest

In this third installment of the ongoing series revolving around an African-American Dominant couple, Ramesses and Neferterri, and their submissives, you'll get a glimpse of Atlanta's Fetish/BDSM community from a true insider and active practitioner, author Shakir Rashaan.

The opening of the latest addition to the Kemet-Ka empire, the Isle ne Bin-bener--the Island of Evil Pleasures--comes with all of the extravagant amenities and devices that anyone with an appetite for exquisite pleasure can imagine.

As Ramesses and Neferterri welcome the resort guests to the island, the first night promises to be filled with debauchery and unique experiences that push the envelope of sexual discovery. Each locale reveals an exciting revelation, culminating in a fetish rendition of the legendary Night of a Thousand Lashes.

Despite the indulgences, no one could possibly see the storm on the horizon...

In Tempest: Book Three of the Chronicles of the Nubian Underworld, Shakir Rashaan delivers an explosive tale unlike any other in the series, where temptations arise, loyalties are tested, and the seduction of both the Lord and Lady of the House of Kemet-Ka threaten to tear apart a union that no one ever thought could be torn asunder.

Book Four: SAMOIS 

“If you thought Ramesses was the only one capable of making big things happen, you’ve got another thing coming.”

The Lady of the House of Kemet-Ka takes the reins of the compound in the fourth installment of the Nubian Underworld series, where the creation of a fantasy weekend inside of NEBU comes with a myriad of peaks and valleys.

Neferterri, with assistance from Mistress Sinsual and Mistress Blaze, hosts the “SAMOIS Society” fantasy weekend: a female supremacy fantasy world, where the women are in charge and the men are subservient. With Ramesses and Amenhotep out of the country on business, the final decisions for the weekend are hers and hers alone.

SAMOIS: Book Four of the Chronicles of the Nubian Underworld takes readers into a unique fantasy experience, with an explosive twist and ending guaranteed to question the definitions of loyalty and friendship.

Like Shakir on FB – https://bit.ly/ShakironFB

Follow Shakir on Instagram – https://bit.ly/ShakironIG

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Visit Shakir’s Home Website – https://bit.ly/Shakir-at-Home


Hi Michele thank you for agreeing to this interview.

Tell us a little about yourself?

My name is Deanna McNeil, MD and I write under the name Michele Sims. I love contemporary, multicultural love stories and romantic suspense. I live in South Carolina in the US with my husband who has been my biggest cheerleader. We have two adult sons.

What were you like at school?

I loved school and was a good student. I joined many clubs and ran track for a season in high school. I received a scholarship for medical school and completed my MD degree before spending twelve years with the US Navy.

When did you know you wanted to be a writer?

I have been a writer all my life. As a child, I wrote short stories. The medical field also required a significant amount of writing. I retired and began pursuing my interest in writing romance. I’ve always been a romantic at heart.

What are your ambitions for your writing career?

I would like to expand The Moore Family Saga. I published the first book in the saga in 2018.

Which writers inspire you?

Maya Angelou, Sylvia Day, and Diana Gabaldon.

What have you written so far? 

I have four books in the Moore Family Saga-Seed on Fire, Playing with Fire, The Fire God Tour, and A Moore Affair. I have contributed to the Knights of the Castle Series with the book, Knight of Penn Quarter. I have written several poems including the copyrighted work, Four Sisters. I won an award for New Author of the Year at the Romance Slam Jam in 2019. The Fire God Tour was a finalist in the romantic suspense category at RSJ 2020. I was also first runner up in the Introvert Press poetry contest in 2018.

What are you working on at the moment?

I’m working on a book to be included in the Queen of the Castle Series and a novella for an upcoming series.

What’s it about?

The Queen of the Castle is about a series of strong women who discover their strengths often in the midst of a crisis. My queen is Erica Sterling, a young woman who discovers after a series of losses and despite self-doubt that she can attain greatness and strengthen her strained family bonds.

What genre are your books?

Contemporary, romantic suspense.

How much research do you do?

My characters do a lot of travelling and I’ve travelled prior to writing the stories. The Moores have been to France, the British Isles, the Baltics, the Balkans, Italy, and the Caribbean. I enjoy travelling, meeting new people, and discovering new cultural settings. I can’t wait until the travel bans are lifted. I also like researching African diaspora history and American history.

Now, before we end this interview and start sharing some of your work here on my website, do you have any tips on what to do and what not to do?

I would say to learn the craft of writing, surround yourself with a support group of like-minded writers, and join reader and writer groups. I caution that writers don’t lose the joy in writing.

Thank you for having me, Solsiré. It’s been a pleasure.

It was my pleasure, Michele. Thank you for stopping by!

Knight of Penn Quarter (Knights of the Castle Book 9)

Following an undercover FBI sting operation that didn’t go as planned, Agent Mateo Lopez is ready to put the government agency in his rearview mirror.

A confirmed workaholic, his career soared at the cost of his love life which had crashed and burned until mutual friends arranged a date with beautiful, sharp-witted, Rachel Jordan, a rising star at a children's social services agency.

Unlucky in love, Rachel has sworn off romantic relationships, but Mateo finds himself falling for her in more ways than one. When trouble brews in one of Rachel’s cases, he does everything in his power to keep her safe—even if it means resorting to extreme measures.

Will the choices they make bring them closer together or cost them their lives?

Moore Family Saga by Michele Sims

Act I: Seed On Fire (Moore Family Saga Book 1)

Twenty-five years before The Fire God Tour, Kaiden and Alicia Moore, originally from North Carolina, were enjoying a life full of love and passion. As a young, beautiful and an upwardly mobile professional couple who had made their home in New York City, they were busy balancing their careers with the demands of their new marriage which as fate would have it, included an unexpected bundle of joy. They got pregnant on their honeymoon and so began their adventure in this novel, The Seed on Fire, a sexy contemporary romance of a multi-cultural couple with elements of fantasy that is also the prequel to the novel The Fire God Tour.

Nothing about their lives together has ever been typical and their relationship will forever be changed by a series of nightmarish events that threaten their love and the life of their unborn child. Will their commitment to each other and support of their family be enough to cope with their challenges?

Come and join them on their journey as they experience the joys and excitement awaiting the birth of their son, Miles Aridio Moore.

Act II. Playing with Fire (Moore Family Saga Book 2)

This is the second installation of Cade and Lecia Moore’s romantic suspense story. Cade’s music career is taking off and while finishing a schedule of gigs in Paris, he gets a call from his brother Vincent back in the states, who has been watching over his son, Miles, and his wife, Lecia. Vincent has some surprising news. Miles, now seven, is showing extraordinary abilities that allow him to produce fire. As a member of the Network, a secret society with nearly bottomless resources, Vincent has been able to determine that Miles’s abilities aren’t unique but an extremely rare genetic mutation.

Cade returns to the states to be with his family, but it’s clear that life cannot go on as normal when Miles suffers from an intense illness that leaves him immobile and mute for days. Through Vincent’s Network contacts, Cade and Lecia are able to find adequate care for Miles at a facility that understands his condition.

Aside from his unusual ability, Miles shows an affinity for several other skills, from writing as a result of his extensive vocabulary, to singing and dancing. But a dark side also appears: in the notebook he uses to list new words he learns, he’s keeping a separate list—of people who he plans to make disappear.

The Fire God Tour (Moore Family Saga Book 3)

Miles Moore is obsessed with fire. He can’t help it—it’s in his genes. He’s also the famous performer Ari, an international hip-hop sensation. There are some negatives that come with fame—death threats and life on the road among them—but there’s also a lot of good: fast cars, fast women, international travel, and more money than he can handle.

When Bella Wahlberg joins his team as the chief of marketing, she seems like the antithesis of what he’s looking for, so much so that Miles dubs her Belsa the Ice Queen. It would be unprofessional for them to get together, but more than that, she’s unavailable—and deathly afraid of fire. But as they prepare for The Fire God Tour, Miles can tell something is changing. Is he ready to commit himself to one woman?

Can fire and ice come together?

A Moore Affair (Moore Family Saga Book 4)

Bella Wahlberg is on top of the world. Surrounded by family in Scotland, she is finally marrying the man she loves-performer extraordinaire and music mogul, Miles "Ari" Moore. Unfortunately. with his ex, chaotic fans, and a series of tours thrown in, she soon wonders if she's ready for everything that being the wife of a superstar entails.

From their wedding to a honeymoon in Paris, to the beautiful streets of Italy, Bella learns that life with Miles and his stage persona are two different things. Happiness is sometimes overshadowed by doubt and outside forces that wish to tear them apart but, when she becomes pregnant months later, Bella couldn't be more overjoyed. Then life takes an interesting turn. Following a career triumph and a night of celebration, a house fire destroys Bella's childhood home, and with it a closely held secret unfolds.

What happens when Miles discovers that not trusting Bella with his past has put their future in jeopardy?

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Subscribe to Michele’s Newsletter - https://bit.ly/MSnewlet

Visit Michele's Website – https://bit.ly/MSwebsiteU


Hi Anita, thank you for agreeing to this interview. Tell us a little about yourself?

What were you like at school?

I started school a year late due to a racial issue in my small town but was still a grade ahead until ninth grade, and then I wanted to fit in with my friends. In high school, I still had good grades and was into literature and arts. I've always been introverted with a few select friends and my cousins.

When did you know you wanted to be a writer?

As early as I can remember, I wanted to be a journalist or child psychologist. I became interested in computers in college because I loved taking things apart and putting them back together. I continued to write poetry, and I took every literature class I could. I also established a newsletter for my church.

What are your ambitions for your writing career?

The ultimate for any author is to be a national bestseller and be recognized for their body of work. I want to continue to write stories that touch the reader's hearts and provide hope, joy, and laughter for someone.

Which writers inspire you?

Francis Ray, Octavia Butler, Maya Angelou, Toni Morrison, Alice Walker, Donna Hill, Gwynne Forster, and Tribe authors, of course. There are so many more.

What have you written so far?

Show Me No Mercy, Summer Breeze, Forbidden Kiss, a co-write on Knight of Grand Crossing, Poetry in Heart Songs and a few other anthologies.

What are you working on at the moment?

Currently, my new project is loosely titled' Vindicated.' I haven't set a release date yet. I am still mapping out characters.

What's it about?

My main character Emily has lived her life in the shadows of an event from her childhood. She ventures to a family cookout that she swore off as an adult due to some men in her family not respecting women's boundaries. Now that the offending member is deceased, she feels ready to regain her life. Will she reclaim a sense of freedom, or will her family's love for the dead keep her trapped forever?

What genre are your books?

Women's Fiction, Romantic Suspense.

How much research do you do?

It depends on the story. Show Me No Mercy I did a ton of research on court cases and state laws because it dealt with a sensitive subject matter. I wanted to make sure I got all of that correct. I will research places, cultures, foods. I do street views of houses (for sale) for descriptions.

Now, before we end this interview and start sharing some of your work here on my website, do you have any tips on what to do and what not to do?

👍 Listen to your heart. If you're supposed to write, write.

👍 Take some writing classes from someone that has done it before, or that is currently there.

👍 Attend conferences. When senior authors drop nuggets, take notes, and don't be afraid to ask questions.

👍 Have your work edited and read by some beta readers prior to publication. It's okay to delay the release if you're not happy with the final product.

Knight of Grand Crossing (Knights of the Castle Book 5)

Rahm did time for a crime he didn’t commit. Now that he’s free, taking care of the three women who supported him on a hellish journey is his priority, but old enemies are waiting in the shadows.

Rahm Fosten’s dream life as a Knight of the Castle includes Marilyn Spears, who quiets the injustice of his rough past, but in his absence a new foe has infiltrated his family.

Marilyn Spears waited for many years to have someone like Rahm in her life. Now that he’s home, an unexpected twist threatens to rip him away again. As much as she loves him, she’s not willing to go where this new drama may lead.

Meanwhile, Rahm’s gift to his Aunt Alyssa brings her to Durabia, where she catches the attention of wealthy surgeon, Ahmad Maharaj. Her attendance at a private Bliss event puts her under his watchful eye, but also in the crosshairs of the worst kind of enemy. Definitely the wrong timing for the rest of the challenges Rahm is facing.

While Rahm and Marilyn navigate their romance, a deadly threat has him and the Kings of the Castle primed to keep Marilyn, Alyssa, and his family from falling prey to an adversary out for bloody revenge.

Books by Anita L. Roseboro

Summer Breeze:

Summer is still mending a broken heart from a relationship that ended long before its expiration date. When she runs into her ex, Devon, he tells her the most devastating news she’s heard since her mother was murdered. Then she learns that a mysterious woman, with ties to Devon, is stalking her under the guise of becoming a client. Summer now has to figure out if she’s been targeted as her mother had been.

Devon, promised to love Summer forever. Unfortunately, forever came much too soon when she made it clear that they had different goals in life and love. After their breakup and a few drinks, he finds himself engaged and soon to be a father with a woman he barely knows. The more Summer and Devon fight their feelings for each while they uncover the truth behind the mysterious situations that occurs, the more they are drawn together. Now with new developments that are not in his control, he must face Summer and risk breaking her heart again, while figuring out the secrets that his new wife is keeping.

Karen has infiltrated Summer's life, trying to right old wrongs. She will do anything to save the child she carries, even sacrifice herself to put it in the hands of a woman who will protect it from a man who wants the child—and her—for his own lurid purposes. How long can she hide in plain sight, redeem herself in Summer’s eyes, before all that is hidden comes to the light?

Devon and Summer are soon confronted with the fact that one woman holds the keys from a dangerous past and an even more devastating future.

Show Me No Mercy:

During an anniversary trip, Terrence and Casey's marriage spirals into an unlikely abyss the moment he does the unthinkable. After eight years of occasional wedded bliss and with this violation weighing on them, Casey leaves the bedroom, then their home, and sets an immediate path towards freedom. Unfortunately, she soon finds out that the laws where the incident took place, and ones enacted where they live, are drastically different. Casey has a successful therapy practice, but now she's the one who needs counseling and a safe place on all fronts.

Desperate to repair his marriage, Terrence embarks on a painful expedition of self-discovery. With the tide of local laws blurring the lines of his actions, his path will lead him to challenge old ideas of women and his perceived rights of a man in marriage.

Can this couple find peace and a common ground when their definition of right and wrong are polar opposites?

Like Anita's FB page – http://bit.ly/Facebook-AnitaLRoseboro

Follow Anita on Instagram – http://bit.ly/Instagram-ALR

Follow Anita on Amazon – http://bit.ly/Amazon-AnitaLRoseboro

Follow Anita on Bookbub – http://bit.ly/BookBub-ALR

Follow Anita on Twitter - http://bit.ly/Twitter-ALR

Follow Anita on Goodreads – http://bit.ly/Goodreads-ALR

Follow Anita on Pinterest - http://bit.ly/Pinterest-ALR

Visit Anita's Website – https://bit.ly/AnitaLRoseboro


Hi Stephanie, thank you for agreeing to this interview. Tell us a little about yourself?

What were you like at school?

I was a social butterfly. Yes, my citizenship was poor. I recall being called fast by the performing arts teacher in elementary school. By high school and college, I'd learned to channel my energies to focus more on my work. However, in many instances, I was very vocal about what I felt were injustices my peers and I experienced and often got in trouble for doing so.

When did you know you wanted to be a writer?

Although I have been writing as a form of expression since I was old enough to hold a pencil, I didn't know I wanted to be a writer until much later in life.

What are your ambitions for your writing career?

I aspire to be a household name, serving to foster a joy for reading among children.

Which writers inspire you?

My biggest inpspiration for writing is my need to share in my love for reading with others. My muses are life. Nature. Social occurrences.

What have you written so far?

I have three children's books published so far; the latest being: Dancing Monkeys in My Soup; an exiting and explorative children's picture book (includes family/educator guide). Like a Salad and The Empress' New Hair, both children's books that emphasize self-acceptance along with the celebration of differences.

What are you working on at the moment?

I'm working on the guide for my Spring 2021 Release, Bush Baby, Bush Baby, Go to Sleep! I'm also writing short adult fiction under the pen name: Raven K. Stone.

What’s it about?

Bush Baby, Bush Baby, Go to Sleep!, is about Jabbar who rather read than go to sleep when his room is overran by partying bush babies.

What genre are your books?


How much research do you do?

Probably more than is needed, but I'm intrigued with learning new things and I go overboard.

Now, before we end this interview and start sharing some of your work here on my website, do you have any tips on what to do and what not to do?

👍 Always. Always. Always have work edited and proofed. We cannot see our errors and inconsistencies. Research your editior(s).

👍 Hire someone who is familiar with your genre. Ask questions and get referrals when hiring an illustrator.

👍 Save your money and hold off on publishing your picture book(s) until you can afford to pay for illustrations your book deserves.

Dancing Monkeys in My Soup (release date 9/1/20)

While on vacation in Peru, Jabbar, discovers pygmy marmosets dancing in his dinner soup. The monkeys create quite an eclectic stir with their dance moves, leaving Jabbar and his family alarmed and confused. They don't know what to do to get the monkeys out of the soup! Do you?


Please enjoy an excerpt from my newest release below.

Books by Stephanie 'S.F. Hardy' Fazekas

The Empress' New Hair:

Empress Zaina Niara of Detroit Charm is in constant battle with her unruly hair. But when she finds herself and her hair in trouble with two greedy villains, she soon learns ... her hair is less unruly and more versatile than she could have ever imagined.

Like a Salad:

Ever had a salad with chocolate candy bars, peanut brittle, khaki pants and cherry tomatoes? Siblings, Assir and Xolani have. “Like a Salad,” explores nuances in skin tones through the eyes of children.

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Before you leave, make sure you enter Stephanie's Giveaway for a chance to win a hardcover of Dancing Monkeys in My Soup: http://bit.ly/getlittysfhardy

Meest recente reacties

25.10 | 02:19

Hi Solsire - happy to see I won the 18+ goody bag. Here is my mailing address:
Deidre Young
8602 Hartwood Place
Laurel, MD 20724

17.10 | 22:50

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